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Vaccines 101: Everything Parents Need to Know

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Vaccines 101: Everything Parents Need to Know

Children get exposed to millions of germs from the environment, the people around them, and even the things they play with. Vaccines have been proven important in preventing common diseases that may want to harm your child. Without it, a child is more susceptible to infections and can even die due to their weak immune system. Some important vaccine facts are during the COVID-19 pandemic between 1st January 2020 and 31st December 2021, over 9.9 million covid-19 related deaths were reported worldwide due to the absence of a viable vaccine for treating the virus.

Vaccines are of different types and work differently, but each is required to boost the immune system and help fight germs. Some diseases prevented by vaccination are Chickenpox, Measles, Polio, Tetanus, Hepatitis A and B, HPV (Human Papillomavirus), and more.

When a child is vaccinated, it usually takes up to a few weeks for protection to set in, so a parent must avoid a delayed vaccine schedule. It is worth noting that due to the tons of misleading information online, it is quite difficult for parents to know what is safe and accurate for their kids. In this blog, we aim to educate you as a parent on everything you need to know about vaccines and the right healthcare providers to contact to vaccinate your child.

Should I Vaccinate My Child

Even though babies get some antibodies from their mothers during the final stages of pregnancy and breastfeeding, this is usually passive immunity. Vaccinating your babies is a strong defense against diseases.

Vaccines are usually prepared from a dead and harmless strain of the bacteria or virus. When administered, it stimulates the body's immune system to produce a response. The body then generates antibodies and other cells, which help the body fight off that infection, both now and in the future. This process is highly effective, even if the virus may constantly evolve, the body's immune system can still tackle it due to initial exposure. It is known as the adaptive immune response. Vaccines are administered either through a nasal spray or by injection. So the answer to the question, should I vaccinate my child is a resounding yes.

How Do Vaccines Protect People From Infectious Diseases?

  1. Community Immunity: This is a very potent method of curbing the spread of infectious diseases. When the higher population of occupants in a locality is immunized, it reduces the number of viable carriers. It, in turn, makes it more difficult for the disease to be transmitted from one person to another, and most importantly, the vulnerable (those with life-threatening ailments/compromised immune systems) citizens are easily protected.
  2. Booster shots: Over time, your immune system may wane or lose its strength in fighting infections, which is where booster shots come into play. They help increase your immunity by bringing back antigens into the system. This process jumpstarts the body's defenses. Not all diseases require a booster shot, so it is always advisable to consult your doctor before taking the next step.
  3. Protecting Children and the Elderly: These are the most vulnerable to infectious diseases as their immune system is not fully established for kids, or suppressed and deteriorating for elders. Vaccines not only help keep them safe but are also responsible for curbing the spread of easily communicable diseases to them because something as minor as the flu could lead to hospitalization or even death in some scenarios.

Should I Employ an Alternative or Delayed Vaccine Schedule?

No, you shouldn't. The recommended vaccine schedule for children is developed based on extensive research and is designed to provide the best protection against vaccine-preventable diseases at the appropriate times. Deviating from the recommended schedule by employing an alternative or delayed vaccine schedule may introduce unnecessary risks to your child's health and leave them vulnerable to serious illnesses.

Vaccines save lives; here are some vaccines facts to put in mind: More than 50 million deaths can be prevented through immunization between 2021 and 2030. By 2030, it is estimated that Measles vaccination can save nearly 19 million lives, and Hepatitis B vaccination can save 14 million lives. So, should I vaccinate my child? Yes.


All parents should want to keep their kids safe from diseases that would harm them. Vaccines are safe, effective, and integral in preserving a kid's life. They play a vital role in health care management and are the first line of defense against biological threats, both seen and unseen.

At Flagler Health+, we are fully committed to advancing our community's physical, social, and economic health by meeting the growing community's healthcare needs effortlessly, providing innovative care from vaccinations to all other forms of therapy, and much more.